As long as your yard is accessible, you do not have to be on site while we are working unless you want to be. Payment is not required at the time of work -- we will email or mail an invoice to you after the entire job is completed, as scope of work can change or other elements of the job are done at different times (stump grinding, plant healthcare, etc.).
ACCESSIBILE = gates unlocked, cars moved, anything of importance is moved out of the work zone or protected, sprinkler heads are marked, pets are safely inside and any other obstacles are removed. Irrigation must be turned off days in advance (soft ground can be easily damaged). If you recently seeded or sodded your lawn, please let us know to delay work (we aren't dropping pillows on your lawn!). NO OTHER CREWS ARE ALLOWED TO BE ON SITE while we are working - this is for accessibility and liability reasons. Our work zone includes not only your trees, but access to/from our equipment.
If the job site is inaccessible upon arrival and we have to reschedule, you will be subject to an additional trip fee for the inconvenience and time lost.