Landscaping Services & Tree/Shrub Planting

A great landscape makes a great impression. A well-planned and installed landscape not only enhances curb appeal, but also increases property value, can create privacy, control water runoff, hide utilities and other eyesores, reduce noise and much more.

Our Full Circle crew ensures that trees and shrubs are planted in appropriate locations to accommodate size and growth and installed properly to reduce transplant stress. We provide post-planting care instructions and when properly maintained & planted during dormancy, we warranty our trees and shrubs for one year.

Scheduled, on-site consultations for planting plans start at $150. The cost for your planting estimate is determined by the size of project and level of detail you want with your plan. Basic planting recommendations are complimentary but do not include any pricing or labor cost estimates.

Landscape Design & Maintenance Services

  • Landscape Design & Planning
  • Shrub & Tree Installation (up to 3.5″ caliper)
  • Tree Care and Pruning
  • Fertilization and Plant Healthcare

Contact Meghann now to request a quote for your landscaping project. Please note: All new projects will be scheduled for 2024-25 Fall/Winter installation. All plans must be in place by September 1, 2024.

Get a Landscaping Quote

Many people think of Spring as the preferred planting season, but Nashville’s generous rainfall and fluctuating temperatures are not conducive for planting. We like our plants to have time to establish their root systems before they start producing new growth.

We recommend waiting until dormancy for planting (trending in Nashville as late October through early February):

  • Temperatures are typically moderate to cool which reduces stress on new plants.
  • Transpiration is low and root generation potential is high during dormancy.
  • When the air temperature is cooler than the soil, new root growth is encouraged without new top growth. The result is a stronger, better developed root system for Spring when the plant begins to grow.
  • Fall/Winter moisture aids trees and shrubs in establishing their root systems
  • We mulch with wood chips to help retain the soil’s required moisture.

**Full Circle Tree & Shrub does not provide lawncare, bed or gardening maintenance, but is happy to help maintain your larger shrubs and all of your trees!