Tree Planting
Please note: Most new projects will be scheduled for 2023-24 Fall/Winter installation. All plans must be in place by October 1, 2023.
While we do perform tree removal, Full Circle Tree & Shrub loves to replenish landscapes with new trees and shrubs! We can work with you to plant quality tree and shrub species that will thrive in your landscape. We recommend planting during dormancy (typically late October to early February, but prefer to get all trees installed by mid-December). We warranty our plants for a year provided they are planted in ideal weather conditions and maintained properly.
Tree planting is an involved process, but we can help with the following:
- Select appropriate plant species that will work well for the desired area. Some trees want full sun, some provide shade, while other plants are more decorative.
- With a complimentary estimate we can provide a basic list of recommended trees for your landscape (no pricing).
- With a paid consultation (starts at $100), we will provide links and price trees based on current stock at our preferred nurseries. This fee covers our time consulting on site, researching, sourcing & pricing plants and planning the logistics for your project. It does not lock you into proceeding with the plan, but is non-refundable and not credited towards your project.
- With a full landscaping plan (incurs additional fees), we will provide a complete plan including a sketch for placement and complete labor cost to include plant delivery, installation, soil removal and mulch
- Choose proper placement to accommodate root and limb growth
- Design a landscaping plan for the surrounding area, if needed
- Coordinate with the nursery to order and deliver trees
- Help you prepare your landscape for installation
- Call 8-1-1 to mark utility lines
- Old shrub and tree removal
- Stump grinding and root chasing
- Schedule your installation when weather and ground conditions are appropriate
- Provide care advice for your new plants
Contact us today to discuss your options
For reference, please read “Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place” from the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service.
We proudly purchase our plants from:
Trees we love to plant!
Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia Soulangeana)
Lacebark Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)

Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)
Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa or Cornus florida)
Trees we do not plant:
Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana)
Not only are these trees prohibited in Davidson County, these are very weak trees that need constant attention. Unfortunately a common practice is to top the tree to reduce the chance of splitting, but topping is actually quite harmful. We recommend removal of the tree and replacing with a lower maintenance tree. The cost of maintaining/topping a bradford pear for a handful of years will far exceed the cost of removal/replacement.
Leyland Cypress (Cupressocyparis leylandii)
A fast growing evergreen, these trees look great in your landscape, but they are susceptible to a handful of different cankers (an untreatable condition). We can recommend replacement options or alternatives based on your needs.
Silver Maples (Acer saccharinum)
These maples grow really fast, but keep in mind most trees that grow fast are weaker than slower or medium growth rate trees. They are also prohibited to plant in Davidson County.
For reference, please read “Trees to Reconsider Before Planting” from the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service.
Fast growing trees we will plant:
Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)
The state tree of Tennessee, it is a great tree for a large yard, but we don’t recommend planting close to structures.
River Birch (Betula nigra)
For some reason these trees tend to be planted really close to houses, but they get too big for this application and become high maintenance (need to be pruned more often and removed after too much growth). Their root system can be invasive, but this is a beautiful tree if planted in the right location.
Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)
Sycamores are huge deciduous trees with a broad, rounded crown of lush green foliage and thin, peeling reddish-brown bark, but most people find them to be messy due to the constant shedding of deadwood, the seed balls that drop in spring, and the bark plates that defoliate yearly. If planted away from structures, sidewalks & driveways, they can be an interesting focal point in an open landscape.
Tree Transplanting
Tree transplanting is a service we can provide, but in many cases do not recommend. We can accommodate moving some trees under 4″ caliper (referring to the diameter of the trunk), but we cannot provide any guarantee for transplant success. Typically it will cost less and increase success rate if we plant a new tree, rather than moving an already established tree. Contact us with any questions!