Emerald Ash Borer
According to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA), Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), an invasive insect that destroys ash trees is present in Davidson County. The EAB attacks all species of North American ash trees and unless treated, will kill them all before the year 2026. NO ASH TREE IS IMMUNE TO THE DEVASTATING EFFECTS OF THIS INSECT which has been in Davidson County since 2014 and Tennessee since 2010. Source: Nashville.gov. To determine if you have an Ash that should be treated, please use the Decision Guide below. Additional resources:
Ash Tree Identification
Signs and Symptoms of Emerald Ash Borer
Ash Tree Owner’s Responsibilities
How to Measure DBH of a Tree
EAB Treatment Delivery Options
2023 UPDATE: We now recommend a 2-year treatment for ALL Ash trees. Delivery method does require small holes to be drilled into the cambium but should heal within one growing season. Alternate annual trunk sprays can be done at an increased cost. Please email [email protected] with any questions.

To request treatment of your ash trees, please fill out the form below: